Workshops Limited capacity of 40 participants
College teaching offers many opportunities to make a positive impact in students’ lives. In particular, our teaching can have a long-term positive impact if we support students’ development of agency, the willingness to actively participate in the learning process. However, learning how to take advantage of this opportunity comes with challenges.
New and early career faculty often find themselves without sufficient expertise and resources to face and overcome these challenges. And now, even experienced faculty recognize that despite having the requisite knowledge and skills to promote student engagement, we may still be creating barriers for some – i.e., who is being left out in the enactments of our pedagogies and rethinking our designs to include everyone. This interactive webinar aims to tackle these issues and support new and early career faculty by: (1) introducing participants to frameworks and methods that focus on student engagement; (2) providing access to resources and discussing how to use them; (3) working in a hands-on manner with some of these resources; and (4) engaging participants in reflection on how these strategies and resources may be implemented in order to be more inclusive.
Although focused on new and early career teachers, we welcome all faculty.