Symposium From the Research Side

S1 - Lessons From a 15-Year Effort to Develop Active Learning Classrooms and Pedagogical Capacity at Dawson College

June 03, 2024 | 10:30 - 11:45 AM Room: H-621

About this event

What might the successful development of Active Learning (AL) classrooms and evidence-based pedagogical capacity in higher education look like? In the case of a specific faculty-driven, community-based, and research-centred initiative, what lessons can be drawn in terms of both process and outcomes? This symposium will provide an overview of a mixed methods doctoral dissertation that examined the Dawson Active Learning Ecosystem from 2005 to 2020. Highlights include a novel model for environment development across scales of implementation, a characterization of AL classroom design feature affordances based on the notion of access to learning artifacts, and a modified model of community development based on Wenger’s notions of Communities of Practice.


Chris Whittaker

Chris Whittaker

Dawson College, Montreal