Languages and Literature Interdisciplinary

It’s All in the Delivery: 6 Rounds to Effective Presentation

Groups of students orally present a poem six times, focusing on six key aspect of effective oral presentations

Interdisciplinary Humanities

Peer Review, Assessment & Feedback

Social sciences

Gender Socialization throughout the Life Course

Students complete a grid that illustrates different life periods that reinforce gender narratives.

Languages and Literature

Projet Specific: Webzine

Languages and Literature

Pratique d’écriture

STEM Chemistry

If You’re Not Part of the Solution You’re Part of the Precipitate

Languages and Literature

Projects on Junot Diaz: “The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao”

Social sciences

Action-Learning Sets

STEM Engineering

Engineering Poster Presentations with Peer Assessment

STEM Chemistry

Elemental Superhero

STEM Chemistry

Explosives Detective