Biochemistry STEM

Exam Preparation using Case Studies

The aim of this activity is to apply course materials to real-world problems using Case Studies.

Chemistry STEM

CLAW At-Home Experiment: Crystallization of Borax

Chemistry STEM

CLAW At-Home Experiment: Organic Chemistry Introduction to Solubility

Chemistry STEM

CLAW At-Home Experiment: Spectrophotometry Using Gatorade

Chemistry STEM

CLAW At-Home Experiment: Volumetric Analysis of Household Acid with Cabbage Juice

Chemistry STEM

CLAW At-Home Experiment: Paper Chromatography of Food Dyes and Ink

Chemistry STEM

CLAW At-Home Experiment: Colligative Properties

Chemistry STEM

CLAW At-Home Experiment: Activation Energy in Chemical Kinetics

Chemistry STEM

CLAW At-Home Experiment: The Rate Law in Chemical Kinetics Using Blue Dye

Biology STEM

Rock Paper Scissors Lizard

Chemistry STEM

If You’re Not Part of the Solution You’re Part of the Precipitate

Biology STEM

Homeostasis: Mapping the Endocrine System

Environmental science

Systems Ball Toss

Biology STEM

Experimental Design in Neurobiology