STEM Biochemistry

Exam Preparation using Case Studies

The aim of this activity is to apply course materials to real-world problems using Case Studies.

STEM Chemistry

CLAW At-Home Experiment: Crystallization of Borax

STEM Chemistry

CLAW At-Home Experiment: Organic Chemistry Introduction to Solubility

STEM Chemistry

CLAW At-Home Experiment: Spectrophotometry Using Gatorade

STEM Chemistry

CLAW At-Home Experiment: Volumetric Analysis of Household Acid with Cabbage Juice

STEM Chemistry

CLAW At-Home Experiment: Paper Chromatography of Food Dyes and Ink

STEM Chemistry

CLAW At-Home Experiment: Colligative Properties

STEM Chemistry

CLAW At-Home Experiment: Activation Energy in Chemical Kinetics

STEM Chemistry

CLAW At-Home Experiment: The Rate Law in Chemical Kinetics Using Blue Dye

STEM Biology

Fireweed and Seals, oh my! Mini Cases in Population Ecology

STEM Biology

The Sailing Iguanas: A Mini Case in Speciation

STEM Biology

Protein Separation

STEM Biology

Homeostasis: Mapping the Endocrine System

STEM Biology

Experimental Design in Neurobiology

STEM Biology

Biological Molecules

STEM Biology


STEM Chemistry

Explosives Detective