Languages and Literature

Silent Discussion

Conduct a discussion in your class without students ever speaking a word!

Interdisciplinary Languages and Literature

It’s All in the Delivery: 6 Rounds to Effective Presentation

Groups of students orally present a poem six times, focusing on six key aspect of effective oral presentations

Engineering STEM

Interrupted Case Study in Material Engineering

Languages and Literature

Projet Specific: Webzine

Biology Chemistry Engineering STEM

Building Effective Teams

Languages and Literature

Three-Tiered Writing

Chemistry STEM

If You’re Not Part of the Solution You’re Part of the Precipitate

Languages and Literature

Projects on Junot Diaz: “The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao”

Languages and Literature

Putting the “You” in Education: Using Self-reflections for Learning

Languages and Literature

Having Students Read and Apply Essay Feedback

Engineering STEM

Engineering Poster Presentations with Peer Assessment

Engineering STEM

Peer Review Calibration and Constructive Feedback Workshop

Student writing on a piece of paper
Engineering STEM

Piece of Paper Question

Chemistry STEM

Elemental Superhero