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STEM Education

Drawing to Learn: Doing Science is more Complex that You Think

Students draw a diagram of how they think scientists "do science." These are improved then compared with an expert diagram.

STEM Chemistry

Keeping Up With the Trends

This activity is aimed at getting students to be able to write sound, scientific rationales for observed phenomena.

Languages and Literature

Silent Discussion

Conduct a discussion in your class without students ever speaking a word!

Languages and Literature

Reimagining the Reading Quiz: Peer Instruction in English

Students do a reading quiz in class and revise their answers after developing and sharing a rationale for their choice.

Biology Chemistry

To Pass or Not to Pass: Acting out Membrane Transport

Aim of the activity is to increase students’ understanding of molecules’ movement through the cell membrane.

Languages and Literature

Connotation Exercise: Interview and Presentation

Languages and Literature

Projet Specific: Webzine

Languages and Literature

Three-Tiered Writing

Languages and Literature

Bringing Context to Life: Annotating Research for Reading Novels

Languages and Literature

Putting the “You” in Education: Using Self-reflections for Learning

Languages and Literature

Having Students Read and Apply Essay Feedback

STEM Chemistry

Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution