At a Glance


  • Social sciences

Instructional Level

  • College & CEGEP


  • Health and Safety

Tasks in Workflow

Social Plane(s)

  • Group
  • Whole Class

Type of Tasks

  • Discussing
  • Solving problems

Technical Details


  • Single class period (< 90 mins)

Instructional Purpose

  • Preparation & knowledge activation


This activity is meant to introduce students to the course’s syllabus, have them start thinking about the topics that will be covered during the semester and in the program, while highlighting the connections between this class and potential career options. First developed as a Powerpoint Jeopardy style activity, it has evolved to be more effective as a table top small group activity.

In groups, students work with a board identifying health & safety situations and/or topics and a deck of “cards” that describe jobs, tasks and situations students might realistically encounter in a CRLT-related job. They are then asked to place each card on the class topic that is most relevant to the situation-card they chose. Because many topics are connected to each other, the cards could go in more than one place on the board.  However, in order to complete the task they need to identify relevant components for different situations or clientele.

Once all groups are done, the class together discusses their choices and the teacher has the opportunity to dispel any misunderstandings and ‘myths’ students may have.

Please download “complete materials” folder (at end of page) for examples of both card deck and board layout/content.

Instructional Objectives

Students will be able to:

  • Identify the context of the course and what they will be learning
  • Reflect on the practical relevance of this course
  • Explain the diversity inherent to the field of Community Recreation

Workflow & Materials


Activity Workflow

View on CourseFlow

Contributor's Notes

  • By introducing students to the topic of the course, this activity allows them to grasp what they will be learning  throughout the semester and the connections between the topics they will be covering;
  • It also introduced students to the diversity of CRLT (and the sectors of the profession) and gives credence to students’ diverse backgrounds and experiences;
  • As students discuss broadly all topics, it allows the instructor, as she walks around, to dispel some common “myths” from the start and understand how talkative the class is;
  • As a group activity at the beginning of the course, it also serves to have students start talking and getting to know each other.
  • One person in the group takes over;
  • A groups gets very loud, disturbing others;
  • People get stuck overthinking each situation.
  • As an instructor, it is crucial to walk around and listen to the conversations, so as to be able to intervene to change answer questions / unhelpful group dynamics / dispel myths as they come up / validate students as they share their practical experience as it relates to the course.
  • If possible, also good to listen to groups when they do not realise it (i.e. listening to the group behind you).in order to help understand the group dynamics and individual strengths /weaknesses.

Applied Strategies


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