
A Poster Presentation on Pre-service Teacher’s Reactions to Children’s Literature on Diverse Family Structures

June 03, 2024 | 2:45 - 3:45 PM Concordia University - Henry F. Hall Building Montreal, Mezzanine

About this event

This poster presentation delves into the realm of instruction and learning, spotlighting arts-based methods (ABER), particularly collage, as a novel avenue for exploring pre-service teachers’ responses to children’s literature depicting diverse family structures. In a field where traditional modes of expression like speaking and writing often take precedence, the utilization of arts-based methods introduces a nuanced approach that can offer fresh insights and perspectives. Through qualitative inquiry and engagement with collage-making activities, the study seeks to amplify the voices of pre-service teachers while unraveling their reactions to diverse family narratives. By embracing arts-based methodologies, the research aims to bridge the gap between unfamiliarity and engagement, shedding light on the transformative potential of incorporating such approaches in teacher education and pedagogical practices.


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