Talks - Three Presentations Principled Design

T12 - From Student-Centered to Program-Driven Approaches

June 04, 2024 | 9:00 - 10:15 AM Room: H-613

About this event

Enhancing Educational Gaming through Design Sprints: Insights from University Classroom on Collaboration, Cooperation, Growth, and Failure

This presentation presents 10 important lessons learned when implementing design sprints in an Educational Technology Masters-level course on educational gaming. The results showcase examples of collaboration, cooperation, success, failure, and the constraints of time and access to material. Overall, applying a design thinking process to designing and developing educational games holds great promise as a learning experience.

Presenter: Giuliana Cucinelli

Unlocking the Connection Between Motivation and Achievement: Enhancing Students’ Engagement With STEM Education

Canadian science teachers face students with decreased motivation, lower achievement levels and decreased enrolment in post-secondary science programs. They ask themselves: How do I motivate my students to achieve? Using student-centred pedagogies, such as the problem-based learning approach informed by the Self-Determination Theory (SDT), can improve student motivation by acknowledging students’ basic psychological needs of autonomy, competency, and relatedness. This work will highlight effective examples of PBL supported by SDT to improve students’ science learning.

Presenters: Neil MacIntosh and Anila Asghar

Using CourseFlow to (Re)vision Programmes Aligning to Professional Competencies: Benefits and Challenges

This presentation focuses on using CourseFlow to support collaborative visioning of programmes in alignment with professional competencies. The benefits of the tool will be demonstrated and some challenges discussed. Fifteen faculty members in education are engaging in collaborative curriculum (re)visioning in light of the recent new framework of professional teaching competencies of the MEQ. CourseFlow is supporting us in this process, visioning how our education programmes support the development of professional teaching competencies.

Presenter: Eva Mary Bures
