
Talking Circle “Reconciling the AIs"

November 30, 2023 | 12:30 - 2:00 PM Virtual

About this event

Liz Charles, the SALTISE co-director, and Phoebe Jackson, a physics teacher at John Abbott College and a SALTISE fellow, will be leading a discussion entitled “Reconciling the AIs”. This discussion will be based on the presentations given by Brian K. Smith and John Paul Fox in the context of the Oct 20th SALTISE webinar entitled “Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity: Opportunity or Threat?”. If you didn’t attend the activity, we encourage you to watch the recorded presentation. The objective of this activity will be for participants to answer the following question: What is my personal pedagogical policy regarding Artificial Intelligence in the context of my course or courses as it relates to academic integrity?


Elizabeth S. Charles

Elizabeth S. Charles

Dawson College, Montreal

Phoebe Jackson

Phoebe Jackson

John Abbott College, Montreal

Additional information

SALTISE and Champlain College - Saint Lawrence