Christopher Fuhrman

Christopher Fuhrman

Software and IT Engineering

École de technologie supérieure, Montreal


Education and background
Education and background

PhD (Docteur ès Science)—Computer engineering, November 1996
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

Bachelor of Science—Computer Science, May 1988
West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA 26506


With more than 15 years experience in research and development, professor Christopher Fuhrman specializes in software design and software verification and validation (V&V). His current research interests are in software design, namely visualizing the stability of software.  Before becoming a professor at the ETS in 2001, he developed Macintosh telecommunications software at Apple in the start of the 1990s. From 1991 to 1996 he worked at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in the Applied Computer Science laboratory, where he completed his PhD. In 2000, he worked at the NASA Independent Verification and Validation Facility (IV&V) as project manager for the ASSET project awarded to Ultra Electronics ProLogic.
