Call for Innovators Award Nominations

Best Practices & Pedagogical Innovators Award

Deadline for Award Submissions: May 6th, 2024, 11:59 PM (EST)

The SALTISE “Best Practices & Pedagogical Innovators Award” recognizes educators who stand out as leaders in the promotion of academic excellence, use of innovative pedagogies, and support of their academic communities.

A pedagogical innovator motivates students to succeed, uses evidence-based pedagogy to implement active learning approaches in their classroom, and contributes to the development of this approach through initiatives in their local setting, including providing workshops, talks, etc., to build and contribute to a community of practice.

Three Awards are available:

  1. Best Practices & Pedagogical Innovators Award for College instructors
  2. Best Practices & Pedagogical Innovators Award for University Instructors
  3. Best Practices & Pedagogical Innovators Award for Pedagogical Counsellors or Educational Developers

Award Criteria

Eligibility – Instructors, Pedagogical Counsellors*, or Educational Developers* must be from a Quebec CÉGEP/college or university, English or French, public or private. Part-time instructors are also eligible.

*This includes: Instructional Designers/Developers, Teaching Consultants, Curriculum Developers, Learning Experience Designers, Online Course Designers, Academic Associates

Your Nominee…

  • Uses or promotes active engagement and/or student-centered pedagogical model to foster deep learning and understanding
  • Makes a special contribution to their department, program, faculty or institution and/or to the educational community within their local network (e.g., gives workshops, presents at conferences, heads up pedagogical communities of practice) • Designs effective and innovative pedagogical and/or technology-based activities that support students learning
  • Is a role model and an inspiration to their local educational community
  • Is committed to their own professional development and that of others, eg, offers support through peer-mentorships and other peer coaching opportunities.

Nomination submission information required:

  • Name of nominee
  • Institution, Department and/or Program
  • If the faculty member represents a group, please provide the names of the other group members
  • A brief letter (250 words) describing why the nominee deserves this award.
  • Your name and contact information
  • Optional (upload): One other letter of support from faculty, staff or administrator (same length). If a student is making the nomination, an accompanying letter from the institution would add to the nomination

Applications can be written in English or French.

Click here to nominate a colleague
See the full list of past recipients